- A slice of a loaf of bread (the size you want the pizza to be)
- Fried tomato
- Tomato
- Grated cheese
- Lettuce
- Choose some of the following ingredients also, if you like: caramelized onion, fried pepper…
Preparation mode:
Preheat the oven to 180º.
Cut a piece of bread (the size you want).
Put 2 tablespoons of fried tomato on top of the bread and spread it.
Add some grated cheese.
Cut the tomato and put some pieces of the tomato on the bread.
Finally you cut the lettuce and put some on the pizza, (then if you want you add theingre dients that you like).
·And finally, put the pizzas in the oven at 180º for 10 minutes.
¡Make it one day and I hope you like it!