- Tissue paper in a variety of colors
- Single hole punch (This is my FAVORITE! It can cut through multiple sheets of paper easily.)
- Scissors
- Pipe cleaner
- Optional: Beads (We used wooden beads similar to these, but any kind with a hole large enough for a pipe cleaner to fit through would work.)
1. Stack some small sheets of tissue paper together. The order you place the tissue paper in will determine how you flower looks. It’s fun to experiment with different patterns of colors! The more sheets of paper you use, the fuller your finished flower will be.
2. Hold the entire stack together and cut out a small circle. Our circles had approximately a 2-inch diameter.
3. Punch two holes in the center of your circles.
4. Take a pipe cleaner and put one end through each punched circle. Try to do it evenly so both sides of the pipe cleaner are equal lengths after being put through the circles.
5. Twist the pipe cleaner ends together right below the tissue paper circles to hold it in place.
6. Now it’s time to make your tissue paper flower. Gently separate the top layer of tissue paper and pull it up and crumple it a bit. Do this with each following layer.
7. Once you separate each layer, you can play around with the finished flower until you like how it looks.
8. You can leave the bracelet as is or add beads to the pipe cleaners for more details. We used colorful wooden beads and threaded them onto each side.
9. Leave a bit of extra room at the end of each pipe cleaner and twist the ends together to secure your bracelet. Snip off the ends.
Wear your colorful bracelet or give it to someone special!