1st & 2nd Grade - Ranger Forester
Ranger Forester works out in the wild. It is his job to look after the animals and plants. Uh oh…Ranger Forester finds something that doesn’t belong in the forest. What is it, and what will he do?
ranger-forester.pdf |
3rd & 4th Grade - The Princess who didn´t eat Eggplants
the-princess-who-didnt-eat-eggplants_chryssoula-loulopoulou-fkb.pdf |
5th & 6th Phobias and Fortitude
Princess Lemon & Her Yellow Shoes (new edition): Kate has lots of shoes. She loves them all. All except a pair of pretty yellow sandals. She wants to throw the sandals away, but Mama won’t let her do that. So she is very mean to the sandals. Then one day, she needs them for her Princess Lemon costume. But in a fit of anger she has thrown the shoes away. Will she get to be Princess Lemon? What happens to the poor yellow shoes? Are they squashed by a trash compacter? Read on to find out.
Scared Out Of her Wits: Shiv finds his friend Kaira draped over the stinky society dumpster. Intrigued, he taps her to find out what is going on. But the look of terror on her face frightens him. What could have happened to make her so scared? Read on to find out.
phobias-fortitude-kanika-g.pdf |